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Beginning and Ending with an S

Dr. Tyner

Updated: Dec 28, 2022

One of the strengths of inching is that it is highly customization. You should create an inching program that works with your daily life. This includes when your week begins and ends. Traditional paper calendars begin with Sunday. It is considered the beginning of a week and a chance to begin new projects and complete old ones. However, digital calendars tend to give you a choice of how you want to begin your week and for many of us with flexible scheduling, who work at home or have shifting work weeks, our week begins the day we pick up our phone again and take that first work call. For a long time, I realized I was setting Sunday as the beginning of a new week but beginning my new work on Monday, because that was the first day I was back at work. During the semesters where I don’t start teaching until Tuesday, that becomes the first day of my week. It is important to keep that in mind when you are creating your weekly calendar. If today is the beginning of the week for you, make sure you review your calendar for the next few days. If its the end, congrats on making it through another week. I wish you much productivity in the week to come.


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